Discover Golf
Whether you are introducing your kids into golf or keeping them interested, the most important factor that keeps them coming back is fun. At Axis, we have teamed up with Discover Golf to help provide a safe fun environment for your kids to enjoy learning the game of golf.
A little bit about what Discover Golf is about.
Discover Golf's ultimate aim is to Empower and Enrich children.
We recognize the long – term implications of children at in this age group sensing, demonstrating, and improving their Competency within their physical/social/emotional domains.
This is a critical topic for DiscoverGolf and one that is always at the forefront of our design schemes.
We wish to re-frame "training" environments, often weighted towards showcasing those individuals with the highest level of physical dexterity.
When the win/success probability and sense of Competency is determined by Only those attributes we fear that the "game of golf" becomes less accessible.
It is our belief that games that feature diverse mechanical structures, more child=appropriate themes, and textured play patterns also offer a Multitude of the child’s competencies to shine through.
Many of those competencies were highlighted in the previous section and include creativity, engineering prowess, social collaboration, strategic thinking and systems contemplation.